Game Dev Diary 4: Extending the Control

Last time we started, adding control elements to the scene. We defined a controller class, that could take gamepad input and manipulate the camera position accordingly.

Today, we want to extend that, by adding keyboard and mouse control. For this simple scene, we want the user to be able, to use all three control schemes simultaneously.

On the Keyboard, the user should be able, to control the latitude and longitude via WASD or the arrow keys, and the center-distance via 1 and 2 or 9 and 0 respectively.

With the mouse, latitude and longitude should be controlled via the movement of the mouse, while using the mouse-wheel to control the center-distance.
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Game Developers Diary 1: OpenGL and Cocoa

I am currently doing some basic research, how one could make games with basic OpenGL, OpenAL and system dependent libraries. At the end of which a simple multi-plattform game engine should be the goal.

I will post updates to the things I found out here, in form of a diary/tutorial as soon as I reached another milestone along the way.

Since I start developing on my Mac, we will also start supporting the Mac and move up from there.

Creating an OpenGL enabled application on OsX Lion

Our first project, to get a hand on OpenGL on the Mac, will be, to create a simple application, that draws a rotating cube inside a Cocoa View and behaves nicely with the system. It should work in Window-Mode and support the Lion’s way of doing fullscreen.
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